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PDFMerge Class

PDF Merge manager
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ExpertPdf.MergePdf
Assembly:  epmergepdf (in epmergepdf.dll) Version: 7.0
public class PDFMerge

The PDFMerge type exposes the following members.

Public methodPDFMerge
Merge using default PDF document options
Public methodPDFMerge(PdfDocumentOptions)
Merge using the specified PDF document options
Public propertyDocumentInfo
Gets or sets the info object of the merged PDF document. This object properties allow the control of the merged document information like author, title, creation date, etc
Public propertyLicenseKey
Gets or sets the license key
Public propertySecurityOptions
Gets the PDF security options object of the merged PDF document. This object properties allow the control of the merged document encryption, password protection, print and copy rights, etc
Public methodAppendEmptyPage
Appends an empty page to PDF document
Public methodAppendImageFile
Append an existing image file
Public methodAppendImageObject
Append a System.Drawing.Image object
Public methodAppendPDFFile(String)
Appends an existing PDF document
Public methodAppendPDFFile(String, Int32)
Appends pages from the specified source document starting from zero based page index in the source document.
Public methodAppendPDFFile(String, Int32, Int32)
Appends at most length pages from the specified source document starting from zero based index startIndex in the source document.
Public methodAppendPDFFile(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Appends at most length pages from the specified password protected source document starting from zero based index startIndex in the source document.
Public methodAppendPDFStream(Stream)
Appends a PDF stream to the merged document
Public methodAppendPDFStream(Stream, Int32)
Appends pages from the specified source document starting from zero based page index in the source document.
Public methodAppendPDFStream(Stream, Int32, Int32)
Appends at most length pages from the specified source document starting from zero based index startIndex in the source document.
Public methodAppendPDFStream(Stream, String, Int32, Int32)
Appends at most length pages from the specified password protected source document starting from zero based index startIndex in the source document.
Public methodGetCurrentPageCount
Retrieves the number of pages of current PDF document
Public methodStatic memberGetPageCount(Stream)
A fast method to obtain the page count of a specified PDF document.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageCount(String)
A fast method to obtain the page count of a specified PDF document.
Public methodRenderMergedPDFDocument
Renders the merged document into memory buffer.
Public methodSaveMergedPDFToFile
Saves the merged PDF document into the specified disk file.
Public methodSaveMergedPDFToStream
Saves the merged PDF document into the specified stream.
See Also