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ExpertPdf.PdfCreator Namespace

The ExpertPdf.PdfCreator namespace defines all the PDF Creator classes to be used in adding HTML to PDF, HTML to Image, RTF to PDF elements, graphic elements, manage the PDF document security and signatures, bookmarks, templates.
Public classAddElementResult
The result of adding a PDF element to the renderer
Public classAddTextElementResult
The result of adding a text element to the renderer
Public classAuthOptions
Authentication options for accessing a URL in HTML to PDF converter (e.g IIS authentication).
Public classBeforeCreateNextPageEventArgs
BeforeCreateNextPage event arguments
Public classBeforeRenderNextPageEventArgs
BeforeRenderNextPage event arguments
Public classBezierCurveElement
Represents a Bezier curve
Public classBookmark
Represents a bookmark in the PDF document
Public classBookmarksCollection
Represents a collection of bookmarks of a document.
Public classCircleElement
Represents an ellipse shape
Public classDigitalCertificate
This class represents a certificate used for digital signatures
Public classDigitalCertificatesCollection
This class is used to manage a collection of certificates.
Public classDigitalCertificatesStore
Provides and interface for getting digital certificates from system certificates store or from a password protected PKCS#12 file. A PKCS#12 file stores both the private and the public keys and such a file can be for example a file with extension .pfx generated by IIS from the SSL certificate installed for a website.
Public classDigitalSignatureElement
Represents a digital signature in the PDF document. An instance of this class can be created by a call to Document.Security.CreateSignature()
Public classDocument
Represents a PDF document
Public classDocumentInformation
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document description (author, title, keywords, etc). The PDFConverter class define a reference to an object of this type
Public classDocumentOpenAction
Encapsulates a Go To or JavaScript action to be performed when the document is opened.
Public classElementsRenderer
Base class for classes capable of rendering page elements
Public classEllipseArcElement
Represents an ellipse arc element
Public classEllipseElement
Represents an ellipse shape
Public classEllipseSliceElement
Represents a slice from an ellipse
Public classExplicitDestination
Represents a destination in the PDF document for links, bookmarks and other interactive PDF features.
Public classFileAttachmentElement
Represents a file attachment in the PDF document.
Public classFileLinkElement
Represents a link to an external file
Public classFontCollection
Represents a collection of fonts in a PDF document.
Public classGradientColor
Used to fill a shape
Public classHtmlConvertException
An exception thrown when adding a HtmlToPdfElement
Public classHtmlDocumentInfo
This class encapsulates the information about a converted HTML document like title, keywords and description.
Public classHtmlElementMapping
Represents te mapping of a HTML element in the PDF document as collection of PDF rectangles. A HTML element can span on many pages in the generated PDF document and therefore, in general, many PDF rectangles are necessary to completely describe the mapping of a HTML element in PDF.
Public classHtmlElementMappingsCollection
Represents a collection of mappings of HTML elements in PDF.
Public classHtmlElementPdfRectangle
Represents the rectangle occupied by a HTML element in a page of the generated PDF document.
Public classHtmlElementsMappingOptions
Defines the necessary API to retrieve the positions in the generated PDF document for the HTML elements specified in a list. The HTML elements are specified by their unique HTML ID or HTML tag name.
Public classHtmlExcludedRegionsOptions
Defines the necessary API to define a set of HTML regions to be excluded from conversion to PDF. The HTML regions to be excluded are defined as HTML elements specified by their unique HTML ID or HTML tag name.
Public classHtmlToImageElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to Image converter. The HTML to Image conversion is performed when the element is added to a PDF page. The resulted image is embedded in the PDF document.
Public classHtmlToPdfElement
This class encapsulates a HTML to PDF converter. The HTML to PDF conversion is performed when the element is added to a PDF page.
Public classImageElement
Represents a PDF image element
Public classInternalLinkElement
Represents a text link in the PDF document
Public classLicensingManager
This class offers the interface for setting the license key
Public classLineElement
This class represents a line
Public classLineStyle
The line style for a graphic element which draws lines
Public classLinkUrlElement
Represents a link to an URL in PDF document.
Public classMargins
Represents a PDF page mergins
Public classMergePdf
This class offers the necessary interfaces to merge PDF files and streams
Public classPageCollection
Represents a collection of pages of a document.
Public classPageElement
The base class for all page elements
Public classPageGraphicElement
The base class for all graphic elements
Public classPageSize
The PDF page size.
Public classPdfAction
Base class for the PDF actions (Go To, JavaScript, etc)
Public classPdfActionGoTo
Represents a Go To action in the PDF document.
Public classPdfActionJavaScript
Represents a JavaScript action in the PDF document.
Public classPdfBookmarkOptions
Controls the bookmark generation
Public classPdfColor
Represents a PDF color
Public classPdfCreatorException
Exception thrown by the Pdf Creator library
Public classPdfFont
Represents a font in the PDF document.
Public classPdfPage
Represents a PDF document page
Public classPolygonElement
Represents a polygon
Public classProxyOptions
The proxy settings used to resolve the requests. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.
Public classRectangleElement
This class represents a rectangle
Public classRtfConvertException
An exception thrown when adding a RtfToPdfElement.
Public classRtfToPdfElement
RTF to PDF Converter element
Public classSecurity
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document security options. The Document class defines a reference to an object of this type
Public classSoundLinkElement
Represents a link to a sound file in PDF
Public classSplitPdf
This class offers the necessary interface to extract pages from a PDF document
Public classTemplate
Represents a document template repeated on each document page
Public classTemplateCollection
The PDF document templates. A document template is repeated on each page of the document.
Public classTextElement
Represents a text element to be added to a PDF page or template.
Public classTextNoteElement
Represents a text annotation in the PDF page.
Public classUnitsConverter
Converts between various graphic units (pixels, points, etc)
Public classViewerPreferences
Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document
Public delegateBeforeCreateNextPageHandler
BeforeCreateNextPage event handler
Public delegateBeforeRenderNextPageHandler
BeforeRenderNextPage event handler
Public enumerationBlending
The blending function for transparent rendering mode.
Public enumerationCertSystemStore
The types of system certificates stores.
Public enumerationColorSpace
Available color spaces
Public enumerationCompressionLevel
The PDF streams compression level.
Public enumerationDestinationViewMode
The view mode when an explicit destination is displayed in the viewer.
Public enumerationEncryptionKeySize
The length of the encryption key
Public enumerationGradientDirection
The direction of the gradient color.
Public enumerationHorizontalTextAlign
Specifies horizontal alignment of text.
Public enumerationInternetSecurityZone
Specifies the internet security zone settings used by the HTML converter to convert web sites.
Public enumerationLineCapStyle
The line cap style
Public enumerationLineDashStyle
Specifies the style of a dashed line.
Public enumerationLineJoinStyle
Line join style
Public enumerationNetworkProxyType
The type of proxy used by converter to resolve requests
Public enumerationPageOrientation
PDF page orientation
Public enumerationPdfBookmarkStyle
The bookmark text style.
Public enumerationPdfStandardSubset
The PDF subset used by the document.
Public enumerationRenderingEngine
Specifies the rendering engine used by the converter to load and render the html.
Public enumerationRotationAngle
Standard rotation angles for PDF pages.
Public enumerationStandardCJKFont
The Korean-Japanesse-Chinese (CJK) predefined fonts.
Public enumerationStartupMode
Specifies the converter startup mode. By default this is set to Automatic and the conversion is started as soon as the page loads (and ConversionDelay elapses). If set to Manual, the conversion is started only by a javascript call to ExpertPdfJSObj.startConversion()
Public enumerationStdFontBaseFamily
Standard PDF font families.
Public enumerationTemplateAnchoring
The anchoring position of the PDF template.
Public enumerationTemplateDocking
The docking style of the PDF template.
Public enumerationTextNoteIcon
Defines set of text annotation types.
Public enumerationVerticalTextAlign
Specifies vertical alignment of text.
Public enumerationViewerFullScreenExitMode
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode
Public enumerationViewerPageLayout
A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
Public enumerationViewerPageMode
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened.
Public enumerationViewerTextOrder
Used in ViewerPreferences to specify the predominant reading order for text.