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PdfPageSize Enumeration

The PDF document size

Namespace:  ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf
Assembly:  ephtmltopdf (in ephtmltopdf.dll) Version: 17.0.0
public enum PdfPageSize
  Member nameValueDescription
Custom0 When the PDF page size is set to custom, the dimensions from CustomPdfSize will be applied
Letter1 Letter format
Note2 Note format
Legal3 Legal format
A04 A0 format
A15 A1 format
A26 A2 format
A37 A3 format
A48 A4 format
A59 A5 format
A610 A6 format
A711 A7 format
A812 A8 format
A913 A9 format
A1014 A0 format
B015 B0 format
B116 B1 format
B217 B2 format
B318 B3 format
B419 B4 format
B520 B5 format
ArchE21 ArchE format
ArchD22 ArchD format
ArchC23 ArchC format
ArchB24 ArchB format
ArchA25 ArchA format
Flsa26 Flsa format
HalfLetter27 HalfLetter format
Letter11x1728 11x17 format
Ledger29 Ledger format
See Also