Select PDF Standard |
By default the converter can generate PDF documents in conformance with PDF 1.4 standard. This standard is accepted by Adobe Reader 5.0 and the later versions of the Adobe Reader.
Using the PdfStandardSubset property, the converter can be instructed to generate PDF documents in conformance with PDF/A or PDF/X standards. These standards impose additional restrictions to the generate document.
The PDF/A-1b standard (ISO 19005-1), used for long-term archiving of PDF documents, requires that all the true type fonts used by the document to be embedded in the document, the http links are disabled, the document does not use transparent objects, the document information properties are disabled.
PDF/X-1a:2003 standard (ISO 15930-4), used to facilitate graphics exchange, requires that all the true type fonts used by the document to be embedded in the document, the http links are disabled, all the graphics are in CMYK color space, the document does not use transparent objects.
PDF/SiqQ is a standard used by Adobe to ensure that a digitally signed document does not contain items that could alter its appearance when viewed in different environments. A PDF/SiqQ compliant document requires that all the true type fonts used by the document to be embedded in the document and the http links to be disabled.