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ExcelDocumentSecurity Class

Manage the document security like workbook structure and windows protection, open/write password protection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ExpertXls.ExcelLib
Assembly:  expertxls (in expertxls.dll) Version: 7.0.0
public class ExcelDocumentSecurity

The ExcelDocumentSecurity type exposes the following members.

Public propertyOpenWorkbookPassword
Gets or sets the password that must be supplied to open the workbook when opening a workbook or to password protect the workbook when saving a workbook. Password protection works only with Excel 2003 .xls format. To remove password protection for an existing workbook a valid open password must be supplied when opening the workbook and then the OpenPassword property must be set to null before saving the workbook to prevent protecting again the saved document.
Public propertyWriteWorkbookPassword
Sets the write password of a workbook. This password is required in order to edit the workbook. Password protection works only with Excel 2003 .xls format.
Public methodProtectWorkbook(Boolean, Boolean)
Protects the workbook window and structure.
Public methodProtectWorkbook(Boolean, Boolean, String)
Protects the workbook window and structure and sets a password to unprotect the workbook.
Public methodUnprotectWorkbook
Removes protection from the workbook.
Public methodUnprotectWorkbook(String)
Removes the protection from the workbook.
See Also