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ExcelHyperlinkAddress Property

The target address to which this hyperlink points. The target address can be a URL (e.g. '' or 'maito://'), a file or folder in the file system (e.g. 'file://C:\MyFolder' or 'file://C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt' or file://\\MyServer\MyFolder) or a range adress from the same worksheet or another worksheet (e.g. 'MySheet!A1' or 'A1:B2' ) function of the hyperlink type. When the address is a range address, the name of the range cannot contain white spaces. You can define a named range if the target worksheet name contains spaces.

Namespace:  ExpertXls.ExcelLib
Assembly:  expertxls (in expertxls.dll) Version: 7.0.0
public string Address { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String
See Also