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Getting Started with ExpertXls Library for .NET

There are 2 ways to install ExpertXls Excel Library:

  • Using a NuGet package (.NET Framework and .NET Core)

  • Downloading assemblies

Installation using Nuget Packages

The easiest way to install ExpertXls Excel is by using a Nuget Package. Create your project, go to Nuget Package Manager and install one of the following packages:

.NET Framework and .NET Core version - AnyCPU - ExpertXls.ExcelLibrary:

.NET Framework and .NET Core version - x64 optimized version - ExpertXls.ExcelLibrary.x64:

Note 1: If the x64 version is used, the application needs to target x64 platform and it needs to run in an x64 worker process.

Note 2: The .NET Core version is for .NET Core 2.0 or above through .NET Standard 2.0. Currently it requires a Windows system to run. It does not work on Linux or Mac or Xamarin.

Installation using Downloaded Assemblies

The ExpertXls Excel Library for .NET is delivered as a zip archive and it doesn't have an installer. You have to simply unzip the archive in a folder on the disk. Below, there is a brief description of the folders from the archive:

Bin Folder

The Bin folder contains the .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0 assemblies that you can reference in your application and XML files containing API documentation used by Microsoft Visual Studio IntelliSense to offer inline documentation for classes, methods and properties while writing code.

expertxls.dll - is the Excel library .NET assembly that you can link in any .NET application, either Windows Forms or ASP.NET.

expertxls.xml - is the Excel Library API documentation used by Microsoft Visual Studio IntelliSense.

Doc Folder

Doc folder contains the Excel Library API reference in chm and html format and this User's Guide document (all included in ExpertXls-API.chm).

Samples Folder

Samples folder contains C# and VB.NET sample applications to offer you ready to use code for ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. The sample projects can be loaded with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or above. Each sample has separate solution files .sln for different versions of Visual Studio. These solution files and can directly opened with the corresponding version of Microsoft Visual Studio.

There are sample applications for each of the most important features of the Excel library. In the WindowsForms folder there are Windows Forms applications and in the AspNet folder there are web applications.