Excel spreadsheet library for C#/VB.NET

ExpertXls Excel Spreadsheet Library for .NET

Create Excel Spreadsheets in ASP.NET / C#

Adding Data Validation to an Excel Worksheet Using ExpertXls Excel Library for .NET

This sample shows how to add data validation to a worksheet. The allowed data can be selected from a list, can be an integer or float number in a range, a date or a text with a maximum length.
To create the Excel workbook first select the format of the generated workbook and press the Create Workbook button. The Excel workbook will be created on the server and sent as an attachment to the browser. You will be prompted to open the generated workbook in an external viewer. ExpertXls library can generate both XLS and XLSX files.
Workbook Format:
Create Workbook Button Create Excel Workbook
Source Code:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Drawing;
using ExpertXls.ExcelLib;

public partial class DataValidation : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    protected void lnkBtnCreateWorkbook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // get the Excel workbook format
        ExcelWorkbookFormat workbookFormat = radioXlsFormat.Checked ? ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 : ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xlsx_2007;

        // create the workbook in the desired format with a single worksheet
        ExcelWorkbook workbook = new ExcelWorkbook(workbookFormat);

        // set the license key before saving the workbook
        //workbook.LicenseKey = "your license key here";

        // set workbook description properties
        workbook.DocumentProperties.Subject = "Data validation sample";
        workbook.DocumentProperties.Comments = "Add data validation to an Excel worksheet using ExpertXls Excel library for .NET";


        #region Add a style used for the cells in the worksheet title area

        ExcelCellStyle titleStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("WorksheetTitleStyle");
        // center the text in the title area
        titleStyle.Alignment.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelCellHorizontalAlignmentType.Center;
        titleStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center;
        // set the title area borders
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].Color = Color.Green;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].Color = Color.Green;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].Color = Color.Green;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].Color = Color.Green;
        titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
        if (workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003)
            // set the solid fill for the title area range with a custom color
            titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
            titleStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204);
            // set the gradient fill for the title area range with a custom color
            titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.GradientFill;
            titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204);
            titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color2 = Color.White;
        // set the title area font 
        titleStyle.Font.Size = 14;
        titleStyle.Font.Bold = true;
        titleStyle.Font.UnderlineType = ExcelCellUnderlineType.Single;


        #region Add a style used for text messages

        ExcelCellStyle textMessageStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("TextMessageStyle");
        textMessageStyle.Font.Size = 10;
        textMessageStyle.Font.Bold = true;
        textMessageStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center;
        textMessageStyle.Alignment.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelCellHorizontalAlignmentType.Right;
        textMessageStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
        textMessageStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 255, 204);
        textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;


        #region Add a style used for data validation ranges

        ExcelCellStyle dataValidationStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("DataValidationStyle");
        dataValidationStyle.Font.Size = 10;
        dataValidationStyle.Font.Bold = true;
        dataValidationStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center;
        dataValidationStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
        dataValidationStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(153, 204, 0);
        dataValidationStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        dataValidationStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        dataValidationStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
        dataValidationStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;



        // get the first worksheet in the workbook
        ExcelWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

        // set the default worksheet name
        worksheet.Name = "Data Validation Demo";

        #region WORKSHEET PAGE SETUP

        // set worksheet paper size and orientation, margins, header and footer
        worksheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = ExcelPagePaperSize.PaperA4;
        worksheet.PageSetup.Orientation = ExcelPageOrientation.Portrait;
        worksheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 1;
        worksheet.PageSetup.RightMargin = 1;
        worksheet.PageSetup.TopMargin = 1;
        worksheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 1;

        // add header and footer

        //display a logo image in the left part of the header
        string imagesPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), @"Images");
        System.Drawing.Image logoImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagesPath, "logo.jpg"));
        worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderFormat = "&G";
        worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture = logoImg;
        // display worksheet name in the right part of the header
        worksheet.PageSetup.RightHeaderFormat = "&A";

        // add worksheet header and footer
        // display the page number in the center part of the footer
        worksheet.PageSetup.CenterFooterFormat = "&P";
        // display the workbook file name in the left part of the footer
        worksheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterFormat = "&F";
        // display the current date in the right part of the footer
        worksheet.PageSetup.RightFooterFormat = "&D";



        // merge the cells in the range to create the title area 
        // gets the merged range containing the top left cell of the range
        ExcelRange titleRange = worksheet["A2"].MergeArea;
        // set the text of title area
        worksheet["A2"].Text = "Adding Data Validation to an Excel Worksheet";

        // set a row height of 18 points for each row in the range
        titleRange.RowHeightInPoints = 18;
        // set the worksheet top title style
        titleRange.Style = titleStyle;


        #region Add Data Validation

        #region Validate data from a list

        worksheet["A5:E5"].Style = textMessageStyle;
        worksheet["A5:E5"].Value = "Select a value from the list:";

        // set the range to be validated
        worksheet["G5"].Style = dataValidationStyle;
        worksheet["G5"].ColumnWidthInChars = 25;
        worksheet["G5"].AddComment("Click this cell to select a value from list.");

        ExcelDataValidator listValidator = worksheet["G5"].DataValidator;
        listValidator.AllowedDataType = ExcelDataValidatorDataType.List;
        listValidator.AllowedValues = new string[] { "HTML to PDF Converter", "PDF Merge", "PDF Security", "Excel Library for .NET" };
        listValidator.InputMessageText = "Select a value from the list";
        listValidator.ShowInputMessage = true;


        #region Validate a whole number between 0 and 10

        worksheet["A7:E7"].Style = textMessageStyle;
        worksheet["A7:E7"].Value = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 10 :";

        // set the range to be validated
        worksheet["G7"].Style = dataValidationStyle;
        worksheet["G7"].ColumnWidthInChars = 25;
        worksheet["G7"].AddComment("Click this cell to enter a whole number.");

        // Data Validation for Numbers
        ExcelDataValidator wholeNumberValidator = worksheet["G7"].DataValidator;
        wholeNumberValidator.AllowedDataType = ExcelDataValidatorDataType.WholeNumber;
        wholeNumberValidator.Operator = ExcelDataValidatorOperator.Between;
        wholeNumberValidator.Value1 = 0;
        wholeNumberValidator.Value2 = 10;
        wholeNumberValidator.ErrorAlertText = "A number between 0 to 10 is expected";
        wholeNumberValidator.ShowErrorAlert = true;
        wholeNumberValidator.ErrorAlertTitle = "Whole Number Validation Error";
        wholeNumberValidator.InputMessageText = "Enter a whole number between 0 and 10";
        wholeNumberValidator.ShowInputMessage = true;


        #region Validate a date between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2009

        worksheet["A9:E9"].Style = textMessageStyle;
        worksheet["A9:E9"].Value = "Enter a date between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2009 :";

        // set the range to be validated
        worksheet["G9"].Style = dataValidationStyle;
        worksheet["G9"].ColumnWidthInChars = 25;
        worksheet["G9"].Style.Number.NumberFormatString = "m/d/yyyy";
        worksheet["G9"].Value = new DateTime(2008, 12, 15); // default value
        worksheet["G9"].AddComment("Double-Click this cell to enter a date in local format.");

        ExcelDataValidator dateValidator = worksheet["G9"].DataValidator;
        dateValidator.AllowedDataType = ExcelDataValidatorDataType.Date;
        dateValidator.Operator = ExcelDataValidatorOperator.Between;
        dateValidator.Value1 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
        dateValidator.Value2 = new DateTime(2009, 12, 31); ;
        dateValidator.ErrorAlertText = "A date between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2009 is expected";
        dateValidator.ShowErrorAlert = true;
        dateValidator.ErrorAlertTitle = "Date Validation Error";
        dateValidator.InputMessageText = "Enter a date between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2009";
        dateValidator.ShowInputMessage = true;


        #region Validate the length of a text

        worksheet["A11:E11"].Style = textMessageStyle;
        worksheet["A11:E11"].Value = "Enter a text with length between 2 and 5 chars:";

        // set the range to be validated
        worksheet["G11"].Style = dataValidationStyle;
        worksheet["G11"].ColumnWidthInChars = 25;
        worksheet["G11"].AddComment("Click this cell to enter a text.");

        ExcelDataValidator textLengthValidator = worksheet["G11"].DataValidator;
        textLengthValidator.AllowedDataType = ExcelDataValidatorDataType.TextLength;
        textLengthValidator.Operator = ExcelDataValidatorOperator.Between;
        textLengthValidator.Value1 = 2;
        textLengthValidator.Value2 = 5;
        textLengthValidator.ErrorAlertTitle = "Text Length Validation Error";
        textLengthValidator.ErrorAlertText = "A text with length between 2 and 5 chars is expected";
        textLengthValidator.ShowErrorAlert = true;
        textLengthValidator.InputMessageText = "Enter a text with length between 2 and 5 characters";
        textLengthValidator.ShowInputMessage = true;



        // Save the Excel document in the current HTTP response stream

        string outFileName = workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 ? "DataValidation.xls" : "DataValidation.xlsx";

        System.Web.HttpResponse httpResponse = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;

        // Prepare the HTTP response stream for saving the Excel document

        // Clear any data that might have been previously buffered in the output stream

        // Set output stream content type for Excel 97-2003 (.xls) or Excel 2007-2013 (.xlsx)
        if (workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003)
            httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/x-msexcel";
            httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";

        // Add the HTTP header to announce the Excel document either as an attachment or inline
        httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}", outFileName));

        // Save the workbook to the current HTTP response output stream
        // and close the workbook after save to release all the allocated resources
        catch (Exception ex)
            // report any error that might occur during save
            Session["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message;
            // close the workbook and release the allocated resources

            #region Dispose the Image object

            if (logoImg != null)


        // End the response and finish the execution of this page


ExpertXls Excel Spreadsheet Library for .NET