ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
LineJoinStyle Enumeration
ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
Line join style
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public enum LineJoinStyle
Public Enumeration LineJoinStyle
public enum class LineJoinStyle
Default Default line join style.
MitterJoin The outer edges of the strokes for the two segments are extended until they meet at an angle, as in a picture frame. If the segments meet at too sharp an angle (as defined by the miter limit parameter— see "Miter Limit"), a bevel join is used instead.
RoundJoin An arc of a circle with a diameter equal to the line width is drawn around the point where the two segments meet, connecting the outer edges of the strokes for the two segments. This pie slice-shaped figure is filled in, producing a rounded corner.
BevelJoin The two segments are finished with caps (see "Line Cap Style") and the resulting notch beyond the ends of the segments is filled with a triangle.

Assembly: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf (Module: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf.dll) Version: (