ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
ImageElement Class
ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
Represents a PDF image element
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public class ImageElement : PageGraphicElement
Public Class ImageElement
	Inherits PageGraphicElement
public ref class ImageElement : public PageGraphicElement
All MembersConstructorsMethodsProperties

ImageElement(Single, Single, String)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the width equal to available width in page and the height auto determined to keep the initial aspect ratio.

ImageElement(Single, Single, Single, String)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the specified width destWidth and the height auto determined to keep the initial aspect ratio.

ImageElement(Single, Single, Image)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified System.Drawing.Image object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with a width equal to the available space in page and the height auto determined to keep the aspect ratio.

ImageElement(Single, Single, Single, Image)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified System.Drawing.Image object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the specified width destWidth and the height auto determined to keep the aspect ratio.

ImageElement(Single, Single, Single, Single, String)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified file that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size.

ImageElement(Single, Single, Single, Single, Image)
Creates an ImageElement from the specified System.Drawing.Image object that will be rendered at the position (x,y) with the (destWidth,destHeight) size.

Gets or sets element background color.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets or sets blending mode for transparent rendering mode of the element.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets or sets color space for element rendering.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets or sets the image destination height

Gets or sets the image destination width

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets or sets the element foreground color.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
The gradient used to fill a shape.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets the underlying image object

Gets or sets the line style for elements rendering lines.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
When true the element can be paginated

Set this property to enable/disable multi-frame images rendering when necessary

A flag indicating if the image alpha transparency information is used when the image is rendered in PDF. The default value is false. Set this property to true to use transparency information from the transparent PNG images and bitmap images with alpha channel when the image is rendered in PDF.

Rotates the coordinate system axes clockwise by the specified angle before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the rotated coordinates system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
A flag to indicate if this element was rotated.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Scale(Single, Single)
Scales the coordinates so that 1 unit in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the new coordinate system is the same size as sx and sy units, respectively, in the previous coordinate system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
A flag to indicate if this element was scaled.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Skew(Single, Single)
Skews the x axis by an skewXAngle and the y axis by an skewYAngle before rendering the element.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
A flag to indicate if this element was skewed.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Translate(Single, Single)
Translates the coordinate system before rendering the element. The coordinates of the element are relative to the translated coordinate system.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
A flag to indicate if this element was translated.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets or sets element transparency. The transparency is expressed as a value between 0 and 100. 0 means completely transparent and 100 completely opaque.
(Inherited from PageGraphicElement.)
Gets or sets the image location on X

Gets or sets the image location on Y

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf (Module: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf.dll) Version: (