ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
SaveImageFromHtmlStreamToFileWithTempFile Method (htmlStream, streamEncoding, format, outFile, urlBase)
NamespacesExpertPdf.HtmlToPdfImgConverterSaveImageFromHtmlStreamToFileWithTempFile(Stream, Encoding, ImageFormat, String, String)
ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
This method produces a image from the specified HTML stream in the specified format and saves the image in the specified disk file by writing first the HTML stream into a temporary file. The existing file will be overwritten.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public void SaveImageFromHtmlStreamToFileWithTempFile(
	Stream htmlStream,
	Encoding streamEncoding,
	ImageFormat format,
	string outFile,
	string urlBase
Public Sub SaveImageFromHtmlStreamToFileWithTempFile ( 
	htmlStream As Stream,
	streamEncoding As Encoding,
	format As ImageFormat,
	outFile As String,
	urlBase As String
void SaveImageFromHtmlStreamToFileWithTempFile(
	Stream^ htmlStream, 
	Encoding^ streamEncoding, 
	ImageFormat^ format, 
	String^ outFile, 
	String^ urlBase
htmlStream (Stream)
The HTML stream
streamEncoding (Encoding)
The encoding of the HTML stream
format (ImageFormat)
The output image format
outFile (String)
The output file full path
urlBase (String)
The URL base of the page

Assembly: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf (Module: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf.dll) Version: (